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So, holiday season
Christmas and all that stuff
. -
Yknow, we havent really made anything special for holidays for a decent while now
Most of the time it just catches us off guard or if we're lucky we find out the holiday is due in, literally tomorrow
So they kinda just happen and we sorta know they're there from.. Environmental storytelling
Especially for halloween and christmas it kinda becomes obvious once the furry porn we look at starts featuring girls fucking pumpkins or candycanes going up people's asses
Honestly thats what i feel like i like the most about holidays right now
Just the art people do and the decorating some websites do and some cool events for games
gods i miss old tf2 halloween events
A decent ammount of times we've done some thematically appropiate art for halloween or christmas, and its pretty fun if a bit annoying to try to get it out in time
But apart from that, i dont think we do much else, just about the same as any other day just with a different coat of paint
The same goes if not even more strongly for the other holidays that arent as advertized, most of the time they just pass and its just another normal ass day for us
The same goes for our birthday, mostly
I just never know what to do, like, setting up anything feels like too much effort
We used to just get our favorite food but now we get our favorite stuff pretty much every month
I would like to hang out with all of our friends or do anything special but, that'd require it not jumpscaring us outa nowhere cuz suddently it is *the day* without any prior warning
Time blindness
Day blindness
Year blindness
Its not really that satisfying but it isnt bad either
We sorta wish holidays were cooler again, like when we were children, but i dont know how to get there
It´s really easy to just keep doing roughly what i was doing the day prior
Just sitting on our computer, kinda molding, slowly
I really wish our reward center in our brain wasnt completely fucked
and so do i -
Anyways, happy holidays
Happy holidays
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